Thursday, December 11, 2014

My how time flies.  We stayed anchored just off the south end of Guana near Chandlers house for a second night and again took Kiwi to the island that she couldn’t get into too much trouble.  As rain was predicted and happened, we did not sleep up top. We are really just trying to get exercise every day and think of new things to do when the wind is blowing and you have more food than you can eat on board.
Make your own golf course

As anyone who has visited us knows, the weather almost always determines what we do each day and where we anchor and what island we hide behind, so Tuesday morning we took a bumpy, windy, rainy ride to Snake Cay to try and get out of the weather.  Even if it is bad weather, you never feel it when you are in the water hunting, so that’s what we did.  This is the first time this season that we have looked for lobster and not seen a single one.  We explored the blue hole that we have become familiar with, but mostly just got cold and were anxious to return to the boat.  
Wednesday continued to be cool and we tried our best to get out and do some hunting, but we got cold fairly quickly and had decided on hamburgers for dinner anyhow, so we got back to the boat and started thinking about things to add to our activities when days and days of “bad” weather occur.  We took our golf clubs to the beach and played 18 holes of golf in one of the most beautiful settings in the world FOR FREE.  We took Kiwi with us and after hiding in the brush for some time and giving us a scare, we put her on a long leash and she seemed to enjoy her beach excursion.  Then we played hermit crab olympics and the day turned out to be extremely fun.  When we returned to the boat, a catamaran had anchored near us so we went to say hi to our neighbors.  They are here on holiday and we spoke about making their last few days here EXTREME.  They are from South Africa and we enjoyed conversation and made plans to explore in the morning. 
A great finale to the night was being able to sleep up top with a million stars shining and using the ipad app to learn about the constellations and individual stars.
We'll be great with a sand wedge when we return home
throw your hermit crab into the middle circle and the first one to make it to the outside wins
Thursday morning, the South Africans came over to our boat and we gave them the coordinates of where to find blue holes, lobster, conch and where to anchor to snorkel or dive Sandy Cay.  We all moved to Armstrong Cay to be in the Lee of the west winds and took a dinghy ride to explore some of the shallows behind the islands.  Kathi got two lobsters and could have had more but we didn’t need them for dinner.  The temperature is still unseasonably cool; low 70’s in the day and the 50’s at night.  The water temp seems particularly cold also.  We got back to the boat, had lunch, played a game of scrabble, then Kathi went snorkelling again.  She saw lots of small lobster and a nice conch field that we will take advantage of when we need the food. Tomorrow will be another excursion exploring the shallows behind Armstrong Cay.

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